We are the guarantee that your cryptocurrencies are taxed correctly in Barcelona and the rest of Spain

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Cryptocurrency tax advice

At Asesoría Fiscal Criptomonedas we offer financial and tax advisory services to investors in cryptocurrencies, as well as to individuals and companies, whose economic activities are related to bitcoins, tokens, and NFTs. We present solutions so that our clients receive the best conditions in the financial market.

Our main areas of advice are focused on:

  • Income statement regarding cryptocurrencies
  • Complementary declaration: previous years
  • Model 720 - 721
  • Advice to freelancers and companies in the mining sector, NFT, ICO.
  • wealth tax
  • Profit and loss calculation: tracking software

Cryptocurrency Advice

Learn more about us and what we can do for you:


Receive advice on Wealth Tax (IP) declarations, declaration model 720, etc.

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If you have any questions about the different services we offer, don't hesitate to

contact us

Cryptocurrency Advice

Profit and Loss Tracking Software

Get a discount for tracking software download (profit and loss calculation).

qualified experts

We have a team of advisors, consultants and lawyers with a solid background and experience in cryptocurrency tax advice.

professionally accredited

Our long professional career allows us to guarantee the best solutions on taxation and cryptocurrency taxation.

Don't know how cryptocurrencies are taxed and need an advisor?

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