All the advice on cryptocurrencies that you should receive in Barcelona and the rest of Spain

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cryptocurrency statement

With the increasing use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method or investment services, few people know everything about their taxation. There are several bitcoin tax cases depending on how individuals use this form of payment. Let yourself be advised by our team of experts on the best way to pay taxes.

Model 720-721

When operating with cryptocurrencies, you must declare to the Tax Administration and present the documentation through model 720. At Asesoría Fiscal Criptomonedas we offer answers to each of your questions: how to declare the bitcoins you have abroad, how to contribute cryptocurrencies to the share capital of a company.

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Freelancers and mining

We advise clients that belong to the mining sector because, in relation to taxation, it is considered an economic activity and is taxed as Economic Activities Tax (IAE). We make sure that all operations operate within the framework of legality and we manage all the relevant procedures.

Wealth Tax

Individuals who own cryptocurrencies are taxed as Wealth Tax (IP). We must take into account the valuation as of December 31 to know if you are exempt from declaring. Our team of expert professionals in the taxation and declaration of bitcoins or cryptocurrencies will inform you of your exemption and how to declare correctly.

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Software the Tracking

We use tracking software specialized in monitoring cryptocurrency gains and losses. In this way, we have the information we need to make a correct declaration before the Treasury.

Use Cointracking and get a 10% discount through this link:

In case you have to renew you can do it through the link to get the 10% discount.

Do you want to declare your bitcoins and don't know how?

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